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Policy and Advocacy

Explore below to learn how you can take action and join us in our mission to prevent and end homelessness.

what is policy & advocacy?

Care For the Homeless supports health care, human services, and housing for all people experiencing homelessness. The Policy and Advocacy Team advocates for policies to ameliorate, prevent, and end homelessness, including:

  1. Better Comprehensive Medical and Mental Health Care
  2. Stable Housing
  3. Equity and Social Justice

Read the full โ€œAgenda to End Homelessnessโ€

The Agenda to End Homelessness

ACE Gold Designation
Consumer Advisory Board at HPMD 2022

Meet the Consumer Advisory Board

An active partnership with the people we serve is essential to the success of Care For the Homeless. The Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) addresses this need.

Click below to meet the board members, learn more about their work, and see why their contributions are so essential.

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Policy Seminars and Webinars

The Policy Seminar Series began in 2019. The series features collaborative discussions with service providers, academics, advocates, policymakers, journalists and people with the lived experience of homelessness, addressing issues that impact homelessness in NYC. Explore below to catch up on past seminars and stay up to date with upcoming ones!

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policy seminars and webinars
HPMD 2020

Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day is an annual observance, commemorating those New Yorkers who passed away while homeless or unstably housed.

What is Homeless Persons' Memorial Day?

Watch the Full 2021 Memorial

Watch the Full 2020 Memorial

Summer Solstice Success Celebration

Our annual Summer Solstice Success Celebration is a signature policy and advocacy event. Every year, we recognize the achievements of those who are currently or formerly homeless. Due to social distancing recommendations, this year’s event will be held exclusively online. Explore the link below to stay up to date with all of the incredible people and their amazing stories.

2024 Celebration

2023 Celebration

2022 Celebration

2021 Celebration 2020 Celebration

Summer Solstice Success Stories policy and advocacy
Our Partners in Government

Our Partners in Government

Our policy and advocacy team advocates for better policies through their newsletter and educational events. Additionally, they cultivate relationships with partners in government at the city, state and federal level.

Explore below to see a selection of elected officials who have met with our staff and consumers.

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Subscribe to the
‘Policy Matters’ Newsletter

Our Policy and Advocacy team publishes a monthly digital newsletter. ‘Policy Matters’ is an informative publication that addresses current issues and let’s you know how you can get involved.


Policy Matters Newsletter

Anti-Racist Resources

Almost 80% of our patients are persons of color at CFH. So, in addition to providing services, we must also address the social determinants that result in poor health outcomes.

Michael Speaking

Anti-Racist Resources

Essential Workers, Essential Voices

EW|EV is a series of short stories documenting the efforts of our remarkable staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Judson York, Nurse Manager 3

Read Our Stories

Breaking Down Barriers

Breaking down barriers is a series of short stories that shows just how much people can accomplish when they have access to proper care.

Vaccination Experiencing Homelessness

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Follow Us on Twitter for Updates

We frequently post updates on policies we support, involvement opportunities and more on our Twitter feed. Follow us today!

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tHE LATEST IN POLICY and advocacy

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Homeless Personsโ€™ Memorial Day 2023
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NYC Street Outreach: What are we doing well? What do we need to do better? | Policy Seminar
The Latest in Policy and Advocacy
How the Racial Wealth Gap Affects Health Equity
The Latest in Policy and Advocacy
The 2023 State of the Homeless Report
The Latest in Policy and Advocacy
Health Care Access for Homeless New Yorkers | Policy Seminar
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