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Support CFH with your IRA

If youโ€™re eligible to take distributions from your traditional IRA this year and want to reduce your taxable income, please consider making a gift to Care For the Homeless.

You CAN support CFH with a generous gift* and reduce your taxable income for 2021.

Hereโ€™s how:

Young Boy with Donation
Elderly Couple IRA
Open Access Health Centers

For both scenarios above, making a QCD can reduce your taxable income, depending on your individual situation. It is worth noting that due to the pandemic, the CARES Act suspended RMDโ€™s for 2020 so individuals did not have to take a distribution. However, that is no longer in effect for 2021โ€”anyone with an IRA and eligible to take an RMD, must do so this year.

If eligible, you may take up $100,000 per year from your IRA as a QCD. And You can make gifts to multiple charities. (You may be able to make a QCD that qualifies for your 2020 taxes due to the extended tax filing deadline of May 17, 2021; check with your tax or financial advisor.)

Next Steps

Hereโ€™s a helpful article with more information. Also, contact your IRA custodian for the appropriate forms to begin the process. Finally, please let us know that you plan to make a QCD to our organization, so we can be sure to thank you for your generosity!

Contact Cathy J. Sharp, Director of Development & Communications, at: csharp@cfhnyc.org or 212-366-4459, x217.

*All information in this article is provided as guidance to consider, if applicable. It is not intended to be tax or legal advice; please contact your IRA custodian and/or tax advisor for guidance related to your specific financial situation.

Click below for more information on how you can help New Yorkers experiencing homelessness.

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