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Hats 4 the Homeless

A special tribute to Hats 4 the Homeless, one of our most loyal and generous In-kind donors.

Hats 4 the Homeless began as one young manโ€™s mission to bring warmth and comfort to those who had so little. John Carroll would gather friends every year and together, they would take to the New York City streets to distribute hats, gloves, and scarves to those experiencing homelessness.

Hats 4 the Homeless donations
Young Boy with Donation
Hats 4 the Homeless donations

After John passed away suddenly in 1998, his family formed Hats 4 the Homeless in his memory. For several years, the organization has provided CFH with thousands of (mostly) homemade hats, gloves, scarves and donated socks. Their efforts ensure that the frigid winter months are a bit easier to manage for those who are without a permanent shelter and/or unable to afford winter clothing.

This year, after years of soliciting and collecting thousands of items, the main organizer of the effort decided to retire. And like so many humble heroes that do this work, does not want any public recognition. However, she has graciously designated CFH as the primary recipient of all future donations.

As a result, weโ€™ve received an amazing bounty of items. Items that carry on Johnโ€™s mission to help homeless New Yorkers keep warm.

Our heartfelt and warmest thanks go out to all who joined us in this effort.

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